Ken Haas

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Current Herd Sires

Click Bull Registration number to find animal EPD's and pedigree.


Virginia Tech Statesman

Reg 20085208

An up and rising young sire whose offspring are consistently thick, well made, and high numbered. His progeny have brought hundreds of thousands of dollars in various sales across the country in this year alone.

Crouch Congress

Reg 20163340

Congress was the $175,000 top-selling bull at the 2022 Cattlemen’s Congress. The offspring of this calving ease, high growth, high carcass bull are consistent across the board with fantastic structure, an attractive profile, and solidly muscled.

WSC Harley

Reg 19843522

A thick, stout sire who passes his muscle and fluid movement on to his progeny along with his balanced EPD profile. A growthy bull with a low PAP, high carcass traits, and fast scrotal development.

KCH Fireball 730

Reg 20134508

Highest selling lot in our 2022 bull sale. This Fireball 672 son has lived up to our expectations as a herd sire. His offspring were easy to calve and quick to grow. Good growth, big scrotal, high milk, and big carcass numbers all add up to dollar values in the top 1%. 730 has an excellent disposition to sweeten his level-topped, high volume phenotype.

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