Ken Haas Sale 2022
Tuesday Jan 18th @ 1pm MST
Current EPD's & Value Yearling Angus Bulls
Extra Lots
Adjusted Yearling Wtgs with Actual Scrotals
Fall Bulls for Sale
Featuring 112 Lots
Bulls videos may be previewed on DVAuction before the Sale in December
Featured Bulls
![]() Lot 1 - KCH Fast Forward 99BD: 01/31/21 Reg: 20136184When you look at this bull, you instantly think growth and raw power. This bull is thick topped, wide stifled and hipped, deep bodied, and good structured. Big growth and carcass numbers make his dollar values skyrocket into the top 10 and 5 percentile. This bull would be sure to add carcass, growth, and muscle mass to your herd! | ![]() Lot 28 - KCH Fireball 730BD: 02/27/21 Reg: 20134508KCH Fireball 730 is a BIG numbered heifer bull. Good growth, big scrotal, high milk, and big carcass numbers all add up to dollar values in the top 5%. This bull has an excellent disposition to sweeten his level topped, good balanced phenotype. He would be sure to improve the balance and numbers of anyone’s herd! |
![]() Lot 35 - KCH Fireball 427BD: 02/09/21 Reg: 20134500Another big numbered heifer bull, his genetics, high marbling and high ribeye, make him an extremely high carcass producer. This bull is power contained in a heavy muscled, stout, square hipped, and good structured package. He can turn a cowherd around with his genetics and phenotype! | ![]() Lot 156 - KCH Violet 1035BD: 04/07/21 Reg: 20186764One of 29 heifers Ken Haas is selling in this 2022 sale, this JR Fast Forward daughter is an extremely high growth, high dollar valued, feminine, and high volumed heifer. She is a clean fronted, deep bodied, square hipped, high maternal heifer. Out of a phenomenal producer, she will be sure to improve your herd! |
![]() Lot 43 - KCH Charm 350BD: 02/18/21 Reg: 20134479This BUBS Southern Charm son is an extremely stout, heavy muscled, rugged bull that still maintains sound, good structure. He has a big scrotal and plenty of masculinity to beef up any offspring he may have. | ![]() Lot 25 - KCH Fireball 821BD: 03/01/21 Reg: 20134520KCH Fireball 821 is as stylish as they come while still exhibiting the stoutness and muscle needed of a working bull. His high marbling and scrotal as well as high calving ease, low birth weight EPD’s coupled with his phenotype make him a fantastic heifer bull choice. Put him on your heifers and let the magic happen! |
![]() Lot 11 - KCH Charm 7103BBD: 01/20/21 Reg: 20134488Another BUBS Southern Charm son, he is a well-made, nicely balanced bull with high scrotal and big ribeye EPD’s. Long bodied and made for longevity, this bull is a prime candidate for a solid working bull. | ![]() Lot 153 - KCH Princess 1058BD: 02/27/21 Reg: 20186784A fantastic BUBS Southern Charm female! KCH Princess 1058 is a long-bodied, maternal made heifer with excellent feet and structure. She also has extremely high marbling and high dollar Beef and Combined values. She would be a great addition to your herd. |
![]() Lot 157 - KCH Pride 1045BD: 04/10/21 Reg: 20186771This exemplary daughter of BUBS Southern Charm not only exhibits a clean fronted, deep bodied, square hipped phenotype, but she also possesses extremely high growth, scrotal, marbling, and dollar values. She is a tremendous example of the right genotypic and phenotypic combinations. She will be an amazing producer in the future. | ![]() Lot 167 - KCH Evas 1065BD: 03/04/21 Reg: 20186791Out of one of the top sires for marbling and carcass genetics, KCH Evas 1065 has the potential to be a high marbling producer in the future. Maternal made and smooth blending, she would be a great addition to anyone’s herd. |
Bull Talk
Ken Haas Angus “Right Combination Bull Sale” strives to put together the top Angus bulls in several different traits so that no matter what the customer’s focus is, our bulls can fill your selection criteria. Not every producer has the same needs and focuses, but we have a bull to fit your specific operation. Whether it be for producers who sell their stock by the pound that need high growth, easy fleshing characteristics, those who sell cattle to be sold as beef that need high carcass genetics, or those who need longevity, high fertility, and maternal made bulls, we have them all.
In our 41st Annual Bull Sale, we have a tremendous group of growthy, high scrotaling, high carcass, easy fleshing bulls available. Long bodied and thick with ample body shape and sufficient structure, these bulls will provide you with what you need. We want our bulls to gain pounds while still maintaining a low feed expense. With how high feed costs these days, it is essential to have high feed efficiency and easy fleshing ability. The added growth factors provide assistance in weight gain and feedlot productivity. Moreover, our focus on carcass genetics has come to fruition once again. Our bulls have massive marbling EPD’s, enough to make your herd go Prime. The high ribeye and carcass weight EPD’s also predict an ideal yield grade along with the high quality premiums. Furthermore, with such a high scrotal EPD in the top 10% of the breed, these bulls should have high fertility. Add all of these traits together and you get the “Right Combination Bull.”
To all of our customers who have found success with our bulls for over 40 years, we thank you for all of the support you have shown Ken Haas & family. We hope our commitment to excellence year after year continues to keep you coming back for more. Our focus on traits such as: calving ease, maternal strength, structural correctness, fleshing ability, growth, disposition, and carcass quality (with high choice and prime premium possibilities) has built our reputation for superiority on a local and national level. We could not have accomplished this without the elite group of customers who fill the stands every year.
We would like to invite you on January 18th, 2022 to see a brilliant lineup of bulls and enjoy a great meal. If you are unable to attend in-person, live bidding will be available through DVAuction. Also, wintering and delivery is available.
Ken Haas Angus